Helping freedom of work

Demonstrator: Getting a job abroad

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This demonstrator follows the principles of the general case study towards paperless bureaucratic processes. A solution will be designed and deployed that will allow any citizen to carry with him/her on his/hers digital wallets the required evidence of educational achievements, provided by formal education institutions (e.g., Universities, Technical Schools, Secondary schools, etc) accredited by their respective countries (typical managed by the corresponding Ministries of Education). These certificates can also be Professional Training certifications (provided by accredited training schools) in any type of area (e.g., cybersecurity, hotel management or Javascript programming). In addition to carrying the evidence of educational achievements in a format that can be verifiable in real-time by anyone to whom the job candidate grants access, letters of recommendation can also be accessed and properly verified without having to contact the issuer of such recommendations. The current process is time consuming, prone to fraud, and expensive (when it is required to send all educational certifications).

The wallet will be the secure entry point to the citizen´s educational history, which will include all relevant transactions and will not be limited to the final results of the scholar achievement. In this case, it is possible to store all personal achievements such as enrolling in a class, completing a class, completing a degree, report a score, etc. Intercommunication with external databases for storage (for example, the actual recommendation letter issued by a specific person) will be supported, as well the mechanisms to limit the access to specific information for a limited time period. All transactions will be stored in the validation ledger and will be demonstrated with the usage of the Unified Digital Identity Device (UDID) as well as regular mobile devices.

Please note that demonstrator details may be subject to change