Making it easy to move home

Demonstrator: Moving to another Member State


There are several advantages from moving abroad for a certain period for study or work purposes, such as better career prospects through professional and educational advancement, development of a global network of contacts, cultivation  of  cultural  awareness  and  a  global  mindset, learning  of  a  new  language  or  making  new relationships, to name a few. The EU offers significant opportunities to anyone wishing to move abroad and promotes fair employment conditions for all, as part of the European Pillar of Social Rights, since working mobility enables employment and labour force to adapt to the ever increasing challenges in economy, migration and society within all Member States.  Every  citizen  of  the EU  has  the  right  to  work  and  live in any  Member  State  without  being discriminated  on  grounds  of  nationality; this  is  declared as a  fundamental freedom guaranteed by the Treaty on European Union (art. 3, 39, 40) and Community law.

However, moving abroad can be a highly demanding and cumbersome process in terms of bureaucratic processes and associated paperwork. There are various obstacles for someone willing to move to a foreign country to work legally and obtain all the relevant documentation, such as the difficulty of understanding the bureaucratic processes due to the lack of clear guidance and sufficient information, the long waiting times for appointments in the involved administration authorities, as well as the language barrier. The goal of this demonstrator is to create an innovative user-centric system that simplifies the bureaucratic processes for citizens, businesses and public administrations, validates the effectiveness and efficiency of the GLASS technology, and provides easier moving pathways towards the EU Digital Single Market. It is worth mentioning that all the documents to be stored and the distributed procedures to issue such documents will support the policies of the European eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 and all the associated priorities, including the Digital by Default, Openness & Transparency and Once-only priorities.


Please note that demonstrator details may be subject to change.