Towards user journeys for the delivery of cross-border services ensuring data sovereignty 

Easy provision of cross-border services and information means that it is necessary to overcome the existing administrative, organizational, technological, and legal barriers in providing interoperable services. In particular, the cross-border aspect is based on the effective use of common infrastructure elements and innovative ICT solutions as the main cornerstones in enabling new more effective, regulation-compliant, inclusive, open service delivery and practical introduction of a new approach on how national and regional governments implement the delivery of goods and public services.

The public demand is for a citizen to be able to gain free and easy access to (other) countries' e-services and life event descriptions in a non-discriminatory manner, which means that PAs have to pay additional attention to provide the same possibilities of public services to both residents and non-residents. Users should be able to easily understand the administrative procedures, follow them and receive the necessary result to exercise their rights of free movement in case of work or study abroad. Furthermore, citizens need to be sure that their personal data meet the EU’s strict data protection rules throughout the whole process, ensuring the data sovereignty principle and recovering the data control back to the citizens. 

As a result, public administrations face such challenges, as to ensure the availability, quality and interoperability of information about public services, ensure user-centric life event approach in cross-border service delivery, eliminate (or at least, limit) barriers such as different languages, lack of support and guidance, personal data handling, interconnection with private services, complicated forms etc.

The main objectives of ACROSS are:

Provide a new governance model for the delivery of digital and mobile cross-border public services

A data governance framework where data subjects can control the use of their personal data empowering them

A data governance framework where data subjects can control the use of their personal data empowering them

Measurable Outcomes in three (3) real use cases & a viable business model to ensure the sustainability

For more information on ACROSS, see: