mGov4EU mobilises the existing eIDAS interoperability infrastructure (“eIDAS Layer”) and introduces user-friendly mobile authentication with Single Sign-On and privacy-preserving identity and consent management for cross-border eGovernment processes.

Single Digital Gateway

mGov4EU leverages the emerging “Single Digital Gateway Layer” in order to create a trustworthy federation of collaborative platforms, which facilitates the co-delivery, reuse, and trustworthy provision of accessible and easy to use public and private services, which implement the once-only and digital-by-default principle across Europe.

This facilitates Service Providers to be able to allow the representation of legal or natural persons within their eIDAS enabled services.


Multiple mGov4EU pilots implement and validate the enhanced infrastructure services for electronic voting, smart mobility and mobile signing.

The mGov4EU project follows a Citizen-centric approach to provide a bridge between eIDAS and the Single Digital Gateway in order to enable Mobile Cross-Border Government Services for Europe.

For more information on mGOV4EU, see:
